Seems like every time I’m listening to music, my ears get cold. Normally I remedy this problem by turning up the music, but I’m told this could be harmful. What I really need is something that can just warm my ears without the side effect of deafness. Fortunately, JVC has got me covered with the 180s Earwarmer Headphones. Well, they got my ears covered at least. Basically, it is a pair of earphones that work with any MP3 player, CD player, or other portable audio device. They have some earwarmer technology that uses an outer shell and insulation to block wind and shed rain and snow and yet still retain heat.
It makes them essentially a high tech piece of earmuffs. So can I use these without listening to music? After all, it’s getting really cold out and could use a little extra ear insulation. Still, at least I wouldn’t have to worry about my headphones if I was out in the rain or snow, which is something I do worry about from time to time. Some of you might be interested in this type of protection from the elements, and you can go on the GadgetWorld website for about 29.95. Oh, that’s in pounds by the way.
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